Hmmm, as soon as you reach for the bible for proof I have to ask a question. Which interpretation of which version of which translation? There are hundreds of versions and interpretations.
Then you fall into a logical fallacy. You use the bible to prove the bible. It doesn’t work like that.
There is zero evidence that Jesus existed. No contemporary sources and the first mentions are, once again, in the Bible from almost 100 years later. Mainly hearsay, especially from the newly minted adherents to the cause.
“All of history, archelology, science …” yeah right. That’s a bold and entirely unsupported argument.
I’ll leave you with a final mental exercise. You do realise that if you were born in India, you would be a Hindu. Born in Thailand, buddhist. Born in Morrocco, muslim.
The claims you make for the bible and christianity hold true for Islam, Hinduism, Judaism etc. All are faiths that have a book (of truth), prophets, gods etc. It is a trait of humankind to look for a higher power, especially the poorly educated.
None of which makes a god the truth