
I can’t let C go, sorry.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity DO worship the same god. The god of Abraham etc. Islam and Judaism recognise the Old Testament as books of god. Christians the old and new.

Not retired, certainly not miss-informed. I have a long involvement in the study of religion, all religions.

I am always intrigued by evangelicals’ faith that they hold the only one truth. As I said, were you born in Morocco you would be a muslim, in Thailand, a buddhist. Your failure to recognise this as a reality demonstrates a very restricted world view.

If the bible was truth wht are there so many differing versions? Why thousands of different strains of christianity? It shows that it is all subject to interpretation, personal interpretation.

Ergo, there isn’t one truth



eff cue dee en
eff cue dee en

Written by eff cue dee en

Old curmudgeon, challenged by trying to work out who and why he is. Curious about “anything”while trying to moderate his opinions

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